“II Brazilian Identity Seminar – CIN – IDentity and citizenship” brought good news to Brazil

The “II Brazilian Identity Seminar – CIN – IDentity and citizenship”, was marked by important announcements made by the director-president of the International Institute of Identification (InterID) and executive secretary of the Mixed Parliamentary Front to Guarantee the Right to Identity (FrenID), Célio Ribeiro. In his speech, Ribeiro expressed great satisfaction with the evolution of the National Identity Card (CIN) project, highlighting the importance of integration between the federative units and the federal government in the management of civil identity. “Our National Identity Card and our project are gaining strength, integrating with the federation units and building what is most important: a structure in the federal government to manage this. This is a struggle that we have been facing for many years, that of having an institution dedicated to civil identity,” he commented. He acknowledged the challenges faced in mobilizing institutions to prioritize this project, especially in the context of the government’s multiple responsibilities. Ribeiro emphasized that, despite the difficulties, the commitment and dedication resulted in the prioritization of CIN, reflecting President Lula’s commitment to the idea of a unique and civic identity. “I really need to thank the people who are here, especially the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Management and Innovation, through the Digital Government Secretariat. These are the two basic pillars of identification that advance, through CEFIC, our identification in Brazil. Believe me, it is a very big effort being made. It’s not simple, it’s not easy”, highlighted Ribeiro. The fight for identity as an instrument of citizenship, according to him, has the vital support of the federation units, which play a daily role in the lives of citizens and which, until now, lacked effective integration to issue a secure identity. The InterID representative highlighted the transformative role of the project, which now makes this integration possible and reinforces document security. Furthermore, Célio Ribeiro highlighted the fundamental support of the legislative branch through FrenID, coordinated by federal deputy Flávia Morais, highlighting her as an enthusiastic and dedicated ally, especially in the search for budgetary resources. “On the other hand, we also have the support of parliament. We seek the creation of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for the Guarantee of the Right to Identity, where we have our general coordinator, deputy Flávia Morais, an enthusiast, a friend, someone who has dedicated herself to this cause. This is fundamental for several aspects, and one of them, which she will talk about, is the budget. We need to look for resources, and the front will be very active in this,” she pointed out. Finally, Ribeiro celebrated the success in structuring the CIN, a milestone that, according to him, represents a great achievement and the country’s greatest citizenship instrument, expressing gratitude for the support received and reiterating the commitment to the implementation of the CIN. “So, thanking all of you who are here watching and supporting us, I want to say once again that we are winning, we won this fight and we are going to implement our National Identity Card, the greatest instrument of citizenship in this country”, he concluded. Watch the full video below: Highlights

InterID announces the panelists of the “II Brazilian Identity Seminar – CIN – IDentity and citizenship”

The International Identification Institute (InterID) announces the panelists who will be at the II Brazilian Identity Seminar – CIN – IDentity and citizenship. Join us this Wednesday, November 8th, at 2:30 pm, to learn about important topics about Brazilian identity. This event is online and free, and registration is open. Secure your spot and participate in this enriching conversation! Sign up at https://www.sympla.com.br/evento-online/ii-seminario-identidade-brasileira-cin-identidade-e-cidadania/2232904?d=InterID Check out the panelists:

Governor of Goiás presents the CIN

At an event held in the city of Goiânia, the governor of Goiás, Ronaldo Caiado, presented the CIN (National Identity Card), a new model of identity document that will be issued at all service points in the state. With this initiative, all new identities issued in Goiás, including duplicates, will be with the new CIN model. This measure aims to simplify and speed up obtaining official identification, providing more efficiency and speed in the steps leading up to its issuance, in addition to offering convenience to the benefiting citizens. See the video at https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cywi4LuthwU/ The change is especially relevant for those who already have the old version of RG and want to update it. From now on, citizens can schedule an appointment at Vapt Vupt units and arrange for the exchange of their old document.

Célio Ribeiro: CIN is our main instrument of citizenship

In an interview, Célio Ribeiro, director-president of the International Identification Institute (InterID), executive president of the Brazilian Association of Digital Identification Technology Companies (Abrid) and executive secretary of the Mixed Parliamentary Front to Guarantee the Right to Identity (FrenID ), explores crucial issues related to the implementation of the National Identity Card (CIN) in Brazil. Ribeiro brought important views on the deadline established for the full implementation of the CIN, the need for a coordinating structure in the federal government, the relevance of the new document in the fight against fraud and its fundamental role in identifying children from birth. Read this interview to better understand the challenges and benefits of this essential initiative for Brazilian society. The Decree that establishes the issuance of the new National Identity Card stipulates that states must begin issuing the new model by November 6th. We are rapidly approaching that date, and the question arises as to whether this will actually come to fruition. What is the real expectation? It is important to highlight that the decree was adjusted for this specific date, in order to allow states to adapt to the new document standard. At this time, the emphasis should not only be on the date, but on the need for all units of the federation to adapt and follow the established procedures. The federal government is also prepared to support this process, ensuring that it occurs in the best way possible. It is worth mentioning that we are dealing with a new system, which makes it essential to have an effective structure to organize and manage the entire process. As for the date itself, in my opinion, it should be aligned with the date on which the use of the CPF as a unique identity number becomes mandatory, as established by the law enacted in 2023 (law 14534/23), therefore on the 11th /01/2024. Therefore, I believe there is enough time to resolve all issues, structure the processes and ensure that the transition occurs properly. It is important to highlight that the date of January 11, 2024 is a legal deadline and, as such, must be strictly adhered to. All federation units had an adequate period to adapt, and the federal government also had the opportunity to complete its preparation, which is already underway. Therefore, I believe this date is appropriate to ensure that the transition occurs definitively and successfully. Do you believe that the date of November 6th will be changed? Yes, I believe this is the best approach, considering the need for adaptation by states. I believe that this should, in fact, be the last opportunity, since enough time has already been given for the steps to be completed. Unfortunately, not all states were able to do so within the deadline, and the federal government is also currently in the process of structuring, creating a professional and adequate basis to specifically address the issue of identification. Therefore, I believe that postponing the date to January 11th will not harm implementation progress; on the contrary, it will ensure that everyone involved is fully prepared to begin this project. However, it is crucial to highlight that we cannot allow failures between now and then, since the law is clear: from 01/11/2024, it will be mandatory to issue the new document, with the CPF as the ID number. You mention the need for a structure within the federal government. What exactly do you mean by that? I consider it essential to create a body dedicated exclusively to the management of civil identity. We cannot approach this issue in an amateur way. It is essential to follow the example of many countries around the world that have secure and modern identification systems, all with structures dedicated to this purpose. Therefore, what we defend is the urgent need to establish this structure. It is encouraging to note that the federal government is already aware of this need and is working to implement it. It is crucial to highlight that there is a high-level commitment from the federal government, including the Presidency of the Republic and the Civil House, which are leading this effort, together with the Ministry of Management and Innovation. Furthermore, it is important to mention that other ministries, such as the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, as well as the Ministry of Finance, which houses the Federal Revenue, are aligned with the needs of this project. More than ever, we emphasize the importance of the structure to be created being organized efficiently to ensure the success of this venture. Is the structure already being implemented by the federal government? Are they taking steps to do so? Without a doubt, the federal government recognizes the importance of this project. It is a priority both in terms of identification and security. The need for this step has already been fully assessed, and the federal government, through the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Management and Innovation, is already adopting the necessary measures so that we will soon have this long-awaited structure available. This will play a key role in the success of the project. Could you give us more details about what this structure will look like? What type of body or institution are we considering here? What we are looking for is a structure dedicated exclusively to the identification area in the system. The essence of what we want is for a specialized body or institution to be established, with a technical focus and without interference from other types of management. It is extremely important that the leadership of this structure is occupied by someone with solid technical knowledge in the field of identification. This is essential, as we cannot allow people who do not fully understand the subject to be involved or make crucial decisions. We are committed to making this project a reality and recognize the need to have qualified professionals in the right places. This is the most critical aspect – having a structure

Student assistance projects and new national identity card are presented to governors of the Northeast

Civil House, MEC and MGI received the region’s governors this Tuesday (24), at Palácio do Planalto The federal government begins another work front with Brazilian states for new projects and partnerships. This time, the agendas involve the Civil House, the Ministry of Management and Innovation and the Ministry of Education. The objective is a task force to accelerate the issuance of the new national identity card and count on federal entities to adhere to education programs, with emphasis on the incentive and assistance scholarship for high school students, announced this Tuesday (24) by President Lula, on the program ‘Conversa com o Presidente’. The Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, the Minister of Management and Innovation, Esther Dweck, and the executive secretary of the Civil House, Miriam Belchior, representing Minister Rui Costa, received the governors of the nine northeastern states at Palácio do Planalto, this Tuesday. National identity card The importance of Brazil having a unique registry to identify its citizens was highlighted by Minister Esther. She explained to state representatives that today, a citizen can be issued 27 identity cards, each with a different number. “What President Lula has requested and wants to implement, since 2007, is a single national card, with a single number, regardless of the place where it was issued. In January of this year, the president sanctioned a law that defines CPF as this unique number”, stated the minister. She pointed out that the responsibility for issuance remains the responsibility of the states and that the federal government is checking with each of the entities for assistance with funding, equipment, integration system with the Federal Revenue Service, or even technical support, depending on each person’s needs. Other consortia and/or groups of governors will also be called into this partnership. According to the minister, the new identity card will have all the citizen’s biometrics. “The card will bring together citizen data from birth to death. And with this, the government will be able to get to know the Brazilian citizen, know each one’s needs for public policies, for more security and health.” In addition, Secretary Miriam Belchior stated that the initiative for the new card also brings together the Ministries of Justice and Health. “It is work to ensure that we have a safe document, which allows citizens access to benefits and broad protection, including in the area of security, and in the prevention of banking fraud, for example”, he highlighted. Education Minister Camilo thanked the joint effort for programs such as “Literacy at the Right Age”, “Connected Schools” and advanced the MEC’s next major action so that young Brazilians do not drop out of school. “We are going to launch a scholarship for financial support for this young man who today abandons his studies to work. We can no longer lose the young people of this country. We need to guarantee the quality of learning and student retention”, emphasized the minister when announcing that President Lula has already announced this project and the official launch should take place in the next few days. The MEC will prioritize students enrolled in CadÚnico and the idea is that the scholarship will be focused, observing the different realities in Brazil. Secretary Miriam Belchior added that without the support of state governments, programs like this will not reach their expected potential. “We are in dialogue today with the Northeast, the idea is that we will have new conversations with other groups and our assessment is that they are open to partnership, which is fundamental to the success of the new program already announced by President Lula. The coordinator of the Northeast Consortium and governor of Paraíba, João Azevedo, stated that the states are interested in partnerships and that, specifically Paraíba, is already issuing the new card. “This process is very important, it is already advanced in several states and we want to accelerate emissions.” Regarding the scholarship for high school students, the Consortium coordinator said that the idea is to join forces. “We are going to work together, join forces with both federal and state resources so that we can achieve a unique result: keeping the student in school.” Opinion For the president of the International Identification Institute (InterID), Célio Ribeiro, it is essential that the CIN project is made known to as many government players as possible. “This is our CIN. A State project that has in the Presidency of the Republic the vision of its importance and necessary implementation in the Country. We continue together supporting, among others, the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services – MGI, which are competently coordinating and operationalizing this large project. The knowledge and understanding of all state governments is fundamental, as in addition to building this National Identification System together, the Federation Unit has in the CIN a fundamental and important tool for local applications to serve its population in a specific way. This is a project that brings together, unites and respects federated entities. CIN, OUR GREATEST CITIZENSHIP INSTRUMENT.”

Chamber approves mutual recognition of digital signatures in Mercosul

This Wednesday, October 18, 2023, the Chamber of Deputies approved Legislative Decree No. 929-C, of 2021, which ratifies the Text of the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Mercosul Digital Signature Certificates. This milestone represents a significant step in promoting digital security and cooperation between Mercosur member countries. The proposal goes to the Senate. The agreement establishes the basis for the mutual recognition of digital signature certificates between Mercosur countries, which include Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. This measure is essential to simplify and strengthen qualified electronic signatures in commercial transactions between these nations. The approval of the agreement received broad support from the Committees on Foreign Relations and National Defense, Science and Technology, Communication and IT, and the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship. The Agreement will contribute to facilitating cross-border e-commerce, streamlining government processes and increasing trust in online transactions. Furthermore, it will help combat fraud and cybercrime as it establishes strict digital authentication standards. InterID, in its capacity as its Executive Secretariat of the Mixed Parliamentary Front to Guarantee the Right to Identity (FrenID), expressed its support for the approval of this agreement, recognizing the importance of secure digital identification as a key element in driving modernization and efficiency in various sectors.

Célio Ribeiro talks with the Minister of Finance, Fernando Hadad

On the morning of this Thursday, September 21st, the director-president of the International Identification Institute (InterID), Célio Ribeiro, had the opportunity to speak with the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, in Brasília-DF. On the occasion, Ribeiro explained to the minister about the National Identity Card (CIN) project, highlighting its resolving potential in relation to fraud that causes losses in the order of billions of reais per year to the treasury. “The CIN, in addition to being our greatest citizenship instrument, can prevent public coffers from being looted. A weak identity allows criminals to receive benefits from the state and, therefore, deprives true beneficiaries of the opportunity to obtain what is rightfully theirs,” he highlighted. In the opinion of the InterID representative, Minister Hadad showed a lot of interest in the topic, to which Ribeiro committed to sending more information so that the department, as far as it was concerned, could adopt measures to support the implementation of the CIN in Brazilian states.

InterID CEO highlights bill on National Identity Day

On the morning of this Wednesday, September 20, Célio Ribeiro, director-president of the International Identification Institute (InterID) and executive secretary of the Mixed Parliamentary Front to guarantee the Right to Identity (FrenID), participated in two important moments of the Forum National Digital Certification – CertForum 2023, held in Brasília-DF, discussing issues of extreme relevance to the identification sector. In the public hearing in the form of a panel entitled “Guarantee of the Right to Identity”, Ribeiro emphasized the importance of Bill 4517/2023, an initiative by federal deputy Flávia Morais (PDT-GO), which proposes the creation of National Identity Day . During his presentation, Ribeiro read the justification for the commemorative date, explaining to the public the motivations and foundations of the proposal. Federal deputy Jones Moura (PSD-RJ) reinforced the relevance of the proposal by pointing out the popular demand for such a celebration. In a brief poll with the audience, approval for the consecration of the date was unanimous. This panel was also attended by Isadora Brandão, National Secretary for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, Deborah Esther Grajzer, Child and Adolescent Protection Officer at Unicef Brazil, Emílio Evaristo, executive secretary for Projects and Strategic Actions at the secretariat of Justice of the Federal District, and judge Jaqueline Reis Caracas, from TJMA, who participated remotely. In the panel “Presentation of the National Identity Card (CIN)”, Ribeiro was emphatic about the risks of the lack of a robust and national identification system. He cited alarming data about the abduction of newborns in Brazil, and was emphatic about the most urgent needs. “We need the new National Identity Card (CIN) and we need there to be a coordination structure created by the federal government so that the states can implement it as soon as possible”, he highlighted. In addition to Ribeiro, the panel included the participation of Pedro Pontual, deputy executive secretary of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic, Eduardo Lacerda, General Coordinator of Civil Identification of the Digital Government Secretariat, and Antônio Maciel, president of CONADI.

September 16th – Identity Day

Identity Day is an occasion that reminds us of the importance of everyone having access to an identification document. The National Identity Card (CIN) represents the materialization of this fundamental right. Ensuring that every citizen can obtain their CIN is a significant step towards promoting inclusion and full citizenship, contributing to a fairer and more equitable society.

InterID CEO will speak at CertForum 2023

The technology and innovation environment in Brasília will be even more heated between the 19 and 21 of September, with the CertForum 2023, an event that discusses the most relevant issues surrounding digital certification in the ICP-Brazil standard. After two years of being held virtually, the forum will have its edition this year in person, at the Centro de Eventos e Convenções Brasil 21, with the 19 being reserved exclusively for guests. The director-president of the International Institute of Identification (InterID), Célio Ribeiro, who is also executive secretary of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for Guaranteeing the Right to Identity (FrenID), will speak in crucial debates on the first day of presentations open to the public, day September 20. Panel “Guaranteeing the Right to Identity” Opening the debates on the panel “Guaranteeing the Right to Identity”, Ribeiro will be accompanied by personalities from national and international spheres, such as representatives of the UN, the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive, providing a rich exchange of experiences and diverse views. The expectation is that the panel will bring to the fore the importance of guaranteeing the right to identity in the contemporary world, a true need that increasingly permeates social and governmental relations. Ribeiro, with his vast experience in the subject of identification, will contribute with an updated and realistic overview of the challenges and recent advances in the area. Implementation of the National Identity Card (CIN) Ribeiro’s second participation, still on the 20th, also generates great expectations among the public. Alongside important figures from the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic, the Digital Government Secretariat of the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services and the National Council of Directors of Civil and Criminal Identification Bodies (CONADI), he will debate the implementation of National Identity Card (CIN). The discussion will address the paths for the effective implementation of the new identity, analyzing the modernization and security strategies for civil and criminal identification. It will be a unique opportunity to understand the CIN initiative and how it can transform the daily lives of Brazilians.