Last Thursday, September 15, a Motion of Praise was proposed in the House of Representatives. Authored by Congressman Hugo Leal, the prestigious tribute, registered under number 1,379, aims to celebrate the launch of the International Identification Institute – InterID, which took place one day after, 16, date is idealized from item 16.9 of the Sustainable Development Goal of the Organization (SDG) of the United Nations, which establishes that all nations have an obligation to, by 2030, grant the population a legal identity.
In his request, the parliamentarian states that the important initiative is a milestone that will positively influence the world. For Leal, it is pertinent to make this mention of the launch at a time when identification needs to continue advancing here in Brazil.
“We are talking about a theme that is the right of every human being, and we can not fail to point out that we still have here, in Brazil, problems related to this subject”, said the deputy.