“II Brazilian Identity Seminar – CIN – IDentity and citizenship” brought good news to Brazil

The “II Brazilian Identity Seminar – CIN – IDentity and citizenship”, was marked by important announcements made by the director-president of the International Institute of Identification (InterID) and executive secretary of the Mixed Parliamentary Front to Guarantee the Right to Identity (FrenID), Célio Ribeiro. In his speech, Ribeiro expressed great satisfaction with the evolution of the National Identity Card (CIN) project, highlighting the importance of integration between the federative units and the federal government in the management of civil identity.

“Our National Identity Card and our project are gaining strength, integrating with the federation units and building what is most important: a structure in the federal government to manage this. This is a struggle that we have been facing for many years, that of having an institution dedicated to civil identity,” he commented.

He acknowledged the challenges faced in mobilizing institutions to prioritize this project, especially in the context of the government’s multiple responsibilities. Ribeiro emphasized that, despite the difficulties, the commitment and dedication resulted in the prioritization of CIN, reflecting President Lula’s commitment to the idea of a unique and civic identity.

“I really need to thank the people who are here, especially the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Management and Innovation, through the Digital Government Secretariat. These are the two basic pillars of identification that advance, through CEFIC, our identification in Brazil. Believe me, it is a very big effort being made. It’s not simple, it’s not easy”, highlighted Ribeiro.

Célio Ribeiro, CEO of InterID

The fight for identity as an instrument of citizenship, according to him, has the vital support of the federation units, which play a daily role in the lives of citizens and which, until now, lacked effective integration to issue a secure identity. The InterID representative highlighted the transformative role of the project, which now makes this integration possible and reinforces document security.

Furthermore, Célio Ribeiro highlighted the fundamental support of the legislative branch through FrenID, coordinated by federal deputy Flávia Morais, highlighting her as an enthusiastic and dedicated ally, especially in the search for budgetary resources.

“On the other hand, we also have the support of parliament. We seek the creation of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for the Guarantee of the Right to Identity, where we have our general coordinator, deputy Flávia Morais, an enthusiast, a friend, someone who has dedicated herself to this cause. This is fundamental for several aspects, and one of them, which she will talk about, is the budget. We need to look for resources, and the front will be very active in this,” she pointed out.

Finally, Ribeiro celebrated the success in structuring the CIN, a milestone that, according to him, represents a great achievement and the country’s greatest citizenship instrument, expressing gratitude for the support received and reiterating the commitment to the implementation of the CIN.

“So, thanking all of you who are here watching and supporting us, I want to say once again that we are winning, we won this fight and we are going to implement our National Identity Card, the greatest instrument of citizenship in this country”, he concluded.

Watch the full video below:


“So that we can consolidate our dream, this project of guaranteeing Brazilian citizens the right to their identity and improving the identification of the Brazilian people, through this unique national identification that will bring conditions of citizenship, but also of security, of access and guarantee of rights. I want to say that this is a project that excites us a lot, because we believe that we are here writing history. We are participating in a historic moment for our country and we know that changes like this, implementation of such comprehensive programs that affect all citizens of our country, are not easy” – Deputy Flávia Morais
“I make myself available as a worker who believes in the identification system as a form of protection and guarantee of citizenship. When we talk about social services, school enrollment, identification is necessary. Films like ‘Sounds of Freedom’, which fill movie theaters and move the public, make us transform pain into struggle. Therefore, our fight is to ensure that everyone has access and exists legally in our country” – Marcela Passamani, Secretary of Justice and Citizenship of the Federal District
“In addition to being an essential platform for guaranteeing rights, citizen identification also represents other stages, such as access to public services. For example, Enem showed that people without identification cannot take the test. The digital identification project will allow the person to be identified and take the test, even if they forget a document, facilitating access to services and rights and preventing fraud” – Pedro Pontual, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic
“We are discussing significant changes in the country, improving the business environment and security. Research by Fundação Getúlio Vargas estimated the cost of precariousness in our identification process at around 1% of GDP. Therefore, by addressing this issue, we are promoting a significant change” – Rogério Mascarenhas, Secretary of Digital Government

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