The National Civil Identity Day, to be celebrated annually on September 16, is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16.9, of which Brazil is a signatory, and aims to ensure legal identity for all people by 2030.
The proposal for creating this date was initiated by the Executive Secretary of the Joint Parliamentary Front for the Guarantee of the Right to Identity (FrenID), Célio Ribeiro, President and CEO of the International Identification Institute (InterID).
The initiative was embraced by the General Coordination and Executive Council of FrenID, resulting in Bill No. 4517, 2023, which “Establishes the National Civil Identity Day,” authored by Congresswoman Flávia Morais, General Coordinator of the Joint Parliamentary Front for the Guarantee of the Right to Identity (FrenID).
After being approved by the House of Representatives, the Bill was also passed by the Federal Senate, where it received a favorable opinion from Senator Paulo Paim in the Senate’s Education Committee, which had the authority to make a final decision on the project.
For Célio Ribeiro, this is a historic milestone for identification in Brazil. “This law will be the result of joint efforts by those who believe in identification as an instrument of citizenship. It encompasses the international community’s efforts to eliminate under-identification, and in Brazil, it represents the serious work of the federal executive, in collaboration with all states through their official identification bodies, with support from the legislative branch.”
In the coming days, Bill 4517/23 will be submitted for Presidential approval, and Célio Ribeiro adds, “We will have something more to celebrate at the opening ceremony of our Digital Citizenship Congress — the National Civil Identity Day.”
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Fonte: Agência Senado