Joint Parliamentary Front to guarantee the right to identity will be launched on May 24

The Joint Parliamentary Front to guarantee the right to identity (FrenID) will be officially launched on May 24th, in Brasilia. Announced during the “Brazilian Identity Seminar – Governance and Legitimacy”, FrenID is an initiative of the National Congress led by Federal Deputy Flávia Morais (PDT-GO) and Senator Eliziane Gama (PSD-MA), and which has the support of the International Institute of Identification (InterID).

“A parliamentary front is created when it is necessary to have coordinated work for the due debate on an issue of interest to society. Undoubtedly, identification is a matter of high social impact and deserves all the attention received from our Congress. Therefore, the importance of the support of organized civil society to the creation of FrenID, and in this context we make ourselves available to Brazil to actively collaborate in whatever is necessary”, highlighted the director-president of InterID, Célio Ribeiro.

In the assessment of the InterID representative, the Mixed Parliamentary Front has the potential to benefit society by expanding the dialogue on identification.

“We are enthusiasts of FrenID precisely because it has the ability to raise the issue of identification to other levels, as well as its members, elected by the people, being able to dedicate themselves to projects that may be converted into laws, guaranteeing rights to citizens through of a large, modern and secure national identification system.”, he concluded.

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