Last Thursday (2sd), the National Council of Directors of Civil and Criminal Identification (CONADI), sent an official letter to the National Council of Justice (CNJ), to express its position on the “Identity of the Civil Registry” proposed by the Association of Natural Persons Registrars of the State of São Paulo (Arpen-SP).
The letter was signed by the president of the entity together with all the directors of the states and was forwarded to the national justice inspector, Minister Luís Felipe Salomão. On that occasion, Conadi reaffirmed the legitimacy of state identification bodies for issuing identity cards as specified in Law 7,116/83, regulated by Decree 10,977/22.
In the official letter, Conadi highlighted the importance of the technique and the operational guidelines for issuing the identification document, which constitute a technological platform for issuing the identity card in the country.
For the president of Conadi, Antonio Maciel, the project has the power of being a secure identification system with social inclusion as its main benefit through universal access to identity documents. “The document issued is secure and respects the privacy of citizens’ data, generating trust and representation in all public and private services.
The main part of our mission is to take every Brazilian, anywhere in our country, their right to identification”, he highlighted. Finally, Conadi made itself available to assist the CNJ in expanding Basic documentation, combating under-registration and strengthening the Public Security System and the Democratic State of Law.
All Identification Bodies were also made available to contribute, without prejudice to the programmed progress of the project for the new national identity card and the daily issuance of documents. “We have thousands of people who apply for their civil documents every day at the Identification Institute posts throughout the country”, stated Maciel.