This Thursday, the 15th, the International Institute of Identification (InterID) held the Seminar on Neonatal Identification. Members of government and civil society, experts and academics gathered for more than four hours to present and discuss technologies and possibilities for civil identification from birth.
During the inaugural speech of the Seminar, the director-president of InterID Célio Ribeiro highlighted the appeal that the theme of neonatal identification has. “The outcry that this topic has in society is impressive. I, who have been searching for this identification for almost 31 years, had never seen a topic as sensitive as this one, which is the problem of the disappeared, especially when we talk about missing children”, he commented.
For Ribeiro, the theme awakens a new interest in identification, a sector where he has been active for a long time. “This communion of purposes between identification and this theme was something surprising in my life. I, here, want to tell you that it was a topic that really touched me very strongly, and something that I needed because when we work for 30 years on a purpose, of course we have wear and tear, of course we get tired.
Even though I insistently fight every day for identification in this country, knowing this reality, despite making me suffer for the cruelty that exists, made me ignite a new source of energy to walk in the coming years in relation to this theme” Lasting 4 hours and 40 minutes, the event brought together 369 people from different parts of the country and abroad. Watch the opening speeches, lectures and panels of the Neonatal Identification Seminar through the links below:
Célio Ribeiro, diretor-presidente do InterID –
Antonio Maciel Aguiar Filho, presidente do CONADI e da FENAPPI –
Carlos Roberto Fortner, diretor-Presidente do ITI –
Eduardo Gomes,Secretário Especial de Modernização do Estado (SEME/PR) –
Eduardo Miranda Freire de Melo,Secretário Nacional de Proteção Global do Ministério Mulher, Família e Direitos Humanos –
O Novo Sistema de Identificação do Brasil
Eduardo de Magalhães Lacerda Filho, Diretor de Programa da Secretaria Especial de Modernização do Estado (SEME/PR) –
Identificación de niños utilizando huellas digitales
Javier Preciozzi, Professor adjunto e Doutor pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade da República do Uruguai –
Painel 1: O uso da tecnologia na identificação biométrica neonatal
Ismael Akiyama, CEO e criador do Grupo Akiyama (Neoyama, OpenBio, Natosafe e Abion) –
Pedro Alves, Fundador e co-CEO da Vsoft –
Adriano Finamore, Business Development Manager da NEC –
Painel 2: Cenários, perspectivas e gestão pública da identificação neonatal
Célio Ribeiro, diretor-presidente do InterID –
Hélio Buchmüller Lima, diretor-Geral da Escola Nacional de Perícias –
Joselito Carneiro Neves,Papiloscopista Policial Federal –
Márcia Cordeiro Reis,Perita Papiloscopista da Polícia Civil de Pernambuco –
Maurício Augusto Coelho,Diretor de Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas (ITI) –
Rafael Del Sarto,Perito Papiloscopista da Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal –
Patrick Bestetti Mallmann, Coordenador-Geral de Promoção do Registro Civil de Nascimento (MMFDH) –