The Justice for Science Foundation and the International Institute of Identification (InterID) strengthened ties last week. After being a supporter of the “Brazilian Identity Seminar – Governance and Legitimacy”, the foundation takes an important step by signing a Technical Cooperation Agreement with InterID, which enables mutual collaboration in activities related to the identification area, in addition to supporting the development , integration and execution of activities related to science and technology.
“It is not possible to continue advancing towards our goals without strategic alliances like the one between InterID and Fundação Justiça pela Ciência. The entities will develop platforms for joint activities in which each one will be able to act in research, projects and innovations both in the area of identification, the most important topic for all of us, and in the field of science and technology, an essential area for the development of any nation that wants to improve the lives of its citizens”, declared Célio Ribeiro, director-president of InterID.

For the director of the Fundação Justiça pela Ciência, Hélio Buchmüller, “joint efforts to bring science and good technique to public management are fundamental for achieving Justice and Citizenship. This is our objective when we signed the partnership with InterID”, he concluded.